
Shred - HIIT Classes

Our Shred classes are a mix of cardio, strength and core exercises, collectively designed to get the heart rate up. There classes are best for fat burning and improving overall fitness and endurance. With literally 100s of different formats no two classes are the same and you will never know what’s coming next!

SQ LIFT - Strength Classes

These classes are slower paced, where you are encouraged to rest between sets. We focus on from and technique and on getting you to lift heavier and become stronger over time. In addition to increasing muscle strength, these classes also have the benefit of improving joint flexibility and preventing osteoporosis.


Our twice weekly Boxercise classes are a fun variation of our Shred classes. Again these are designed to get the heart rate up, while learning the correct boxing techniques from our England Boxing coach.


Our weekly yoga class is designed to both relax you and stretch out those tired limbs. This class complements our other classes and works on improved flexibility and mental clarity.

Competition Club

This class will challenge you just that little bit more. Competition Club combines endurance with our regular Shred classes. You will work for longer at each station against the clock. It’s not really about competing with one another, it’s about seeing how hard you can push yourself. Definitely the best class for burning calories!

Personal Training

We also offer personal training sessions with our experienced PTs. We focus very much on a ‘teach not tell’ philosophy. You will not only learn the correct form and technique, you will learn why this benefits your body through improved strength and flexibility. In these sessions we focus on building your confidence you achieve things well beyond your expectations.